Socialization is the process of learning the social roles and values of a society. Primary socialization refers to the initial phase of instruction which most people learn at home, from the family. Primary socialization refers to the basic elements of a culture, including social roles, manners, and values. Secondary socialization applies to learning specific roles such as student, spouse, worker, or retiree. A social group refers to two or more people who have sustained contact and a shared purpose or identity. Social psychology is the study of the processes surrounding socialization. Many people assume that certain behaviors regarding childrearing are universal. Behaviorism is a psychological theory based on conditioning and reinforcement in promoting desired behavioral changes. Symbolic interaction emphasizes the ability of symbols to provide a common understanding of social rules of behavior, allowing for social interactions to unfold without major challenges. Sociologists differentiate primary and secondary groups. Resocialization occurs when a person must undergo a new primary socialization.