The promoters of the exhibition draw attention to the fact that many occupations which formerly every woman was considered capable of performing, can now only be carried on to keep pace with the requirements of the time with the assistance of skilled training (the great bulk of the articles exhibited belong to this class of subjects) hence the need of good art-classes and technical schools to which women shall have free admittance in order that their labour may command a higher price by its skill. There are several new occupations which have arisen from time to time, thus somewhat counterbalancing the lost employments ; among these may be mentioned inventions of different kinds, telegraphy, type-writing, and as far as women are concerned, wood carving and wood engraving; these, however, all require careful training. Undoubtedly the i~spection of all these articles and the information that will be acquired about them will aid the future professional and industrial training of women. Girls who see the dainty objects exhibited will be anxious to qualify themselves by careful and thorough training for producing similarly good work; parents will observe the superiority of the skilled work exhibited to their daughters' amateur exertions and will see the necessity of securing thorough instruction for them to guard against the possibility of their being left helpless and unable to support themselves in any way; while many young ladies who have been unqecided what course to take to occupy themselves, will receive hints and suggestions for their future guidance.