Those among us who feel reverence and gratitude to Mr. Stead for the brave work be did, for the bold advocacy which found a trnmpet tongue when other voices were hesitating, or discouraged, or gagged, will not feel less but more sympathy becaUJ:;e be has to expiate his technical eqor by an imprisonment which is a far lighter penalty then the months of mental distress he underwent while collecting his evidence. Those on the other. hand, who, while honouring his purpose believed that he blunderd, will be satisfied that the majesty of the law is maintained, but must take it upon their consciences to insist that that majesty shall be next directed against the wrong doe1·s in the cause of vice, as unflinchingly as it has been first directed against wrong doers in the cause of good. To each and all we would i;iay: Let this trial be the turning point with us. vV e must not, like the leaders of the Metropolitan Press, combine in loud jubilation with the Pharisee that "we are not as others," ignoring tlw existence of a deep national sin, because it is in high places ; we must renew our efforts in the cause, we must help in enforcing the Act which has been so dearly bought; we must make it impoesible that ruch cases can occur unpunished in our city or our district. We must take up the work which Mr. Stead is for three months compelled to relinquish. Let those who think that be made mistakes, do it better, and let those who with him think that " new occasions teach new duties" not relax their exertions. The Act is won ; its benefits cannot, be lost except ·through culpable national and individual indifference.