The lady candidate for Gateshead has not joined hel'Self t.o the -advocates of free education, but her expressions on Saturday showed at least that she would not consider such a system pauperising. Miss Connell denies that the Higher Grade School has been self-supporting. She states that it has cost the ratepayers 7s. 9jd. per scholar, and she holds that the ratepayers generally have a r~ht to partake of the benefits. Miss Connell spoke agreeably and fluently ; she brought practical experience, deep thought, and :i. know .. ledge of statistics into her remarks, and her suggestions were received at times with an amount of feeling approaching enthusia.sm. There can be no two opinions on the part of those who have heard :the lady candidate as to her fitness, from an educational and pral>tical point of view for the post to which she aspires.