According to Sag [1976], the structural description of the verb phrase

x - AUX - VP - Y ... o

that verb phrase be identical to that of a syntactically permitted

antecedent - Le., one that does not violate the "backwards anaphora

constraint". The rule as stated can match (and subsequently delete) any

verb phrase which is preceded by an auxiliary - a main clause verb

phrase, a relative clause verb phrase, a subordinate clause verb phrase

Citing identity of predication allows Sag to account for many

hitherto problematic examples, including both the ambiguity of sentence

3b. following the seemingly unambiguous 3a. <*5>

structure is critical to certain principles of "universal grammar" that Chomsky wants to assert. According to Chomsky, logical form mediates between surface structure and meaning and is the level at which general principles of intra-sentential anaphora apply [Chomsky, 1975a: p.241]. No comprehensive syntax and semantics have yet been articulated for "logical form". <~4>. Verb phrase deletion or ellipsis is standardly characterized by this fact that the sentence auxiliary survives the ellipsis. Thus sentence fragments without an auxiliary - e.g. fragments (i) or (ii) will not be explicated under a treatment of verb phrase ellipsis.