The Rev. F. \V. BOURNE, (the Bible Christian Churches of Gl'eat Britain,) read a paper on wornen and their work in Methodisrn. \Vhat could women do ~ Most things that men could do, and some of them better. 'l'hey had engaged in an kinds of spiritual work, and he mentioned some noble wornen who had done much for the good of rnankind. In his private opinion it was not best for wornen to preach in public, but whero there had been exceptional gifts and opportunities, and wornen had preached successfully, he said "WeIl done." Isaac Taylor said that thö mother of Wesley was the mother of Methodisrn. The New Testament prohibited wornen speaking with their heads uncovered, but did not forbid thern to speak in religious services at a11. Women were to be subject. to the authority of their husbands, but to forbid women to preach or speak in religious meetings altogether was eontrary to the New Testament. Women had nowhere shown more modesty than in the Society of Friends, whieh adrnitted female speaking in religions meetings. But the chief work of woman was in the horne, in the school, in siek visiting, in collecting funds, and in mission work among female/!! in soma parts of, the heathen world.