No WmIEN NEED APPLY.-During the recent licensing sessions at Birmingharn, a license was granted to a restaurant in Birroingham on the express conciition that uo wo man was to be served, aud no wornen were to be allowed Oll the premises. In Ilpplying for the licence the advocate employed, 111. Hugo Yöung, said that "with regal'd to the restaurant being a possible place of assembly for women of doubtful reputation, he would point out to the bench that it was the intention of his client, Mr~ Hurnpage, not to supply refreshment to any woman,· good, bad, 01' indifferent." Mr. Jaffrey, from the bench, announced that the Licensiug Committee bad, after careful consideration, resolved to grant the transfer, "on condition that the license was for six days only, and that ihe condition offered by the applicant, that wornen were not to be permitted in the premises, was strictly carried out." 'fhe legality of this proceeding has been called in question, because the license granted Was a full victualler's license, under wbich by statute the holder is bouud to supply both men and women within legal hours with reasonable refreshment.