WaRK AMONG ÜRPIIAN AND DESTITUTE CmLDREN.- The arrangemen1s in conneetion with the holding of a three days' conferenee in Manchester are now COffipleted. The conference will open on the 24th Oetober, at the Boys' alld Girls' Refug-e, and the subjects to be discusscrt are :-" Voluntary Efforts in Preventive and Rescue 'Vork;" "Preventive VlT ork, or tbe Care of Our Girls;" "The Original W ürk of Ragg'ed Schools;" " Emigration; " "Family Homes;" "The Boarding-uut Syster;l ;" ,. Training Sbips;" "State-labonr SchooI8;" "Cripples' Hornes;" anu ., Free Mauls." Among the friends who have promised to take part in the proceedings are· the Hon. T. H. Pelham, the HOll. Arthur Kinnaird, Lord Po!warth, Miss Ellicc HopkiDs, of Brighton, and Miss Davenport Hill and Ml's. ::)urr, of the London School Board.