Despite a growing body of literature on how sustainable land-use planning and postdisaster housing recovery policies help to reduce or mitigate long-term threats of natural disasters in urban areas, there is a limited understanding of how impacted rural communities in developing countries fare over time. Moreover, little is understood about the direct and indirect effects of post-disaster housing policies and programs due to a lack of systematic analysis. This suggests that mistakes are often repeated and well-documented reconstruction experiences ignored (Ofori 2008, p. 46). Many warn of the dangers when designing and implementing “settlements and shelters as an off-the-shelf package” (Kennedy et al. 2008, p. 26). Others have highlighted the importance of disaster recovery from multiple dimensions, that is, conceptualized as an opportunity to address long-term developmental goals that are intertwined with sustainable livelihood recovery, reduction in social and physical vulnerabilities,

12.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 175 12.2 Housing Policy in India ................................................................................ 177 12.3 Post-Tsunami Housing Recovery .................................................................. 179

12.3.1 Background, Sample Selection, and Data Collection ....................... 179 12.4 Findings and Discussion ............................................................................... 180

12.4.1 Assessment of Post-Tsunami Core Housing Units: Perceptions of Physical and Spatial Issues ............................................................... 180

12.4.2 Assessments of Housing Programs ................................................... 184 12.4.3 Lessons Learned for Post-Disaster Rural Housing Policy ................ 186

12.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 187 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................. 188 References .............................................................................................................. 188

and improving household capabilities especially in rural communities of developing countries (Haas et al. 1977; Arlikatti and Andrew 2012).