.28 Record of Event,. [ Englllhwoman" Rrview, Janll.')' Ibtl., 18711. who, from real vocation, take up the toilsome and unutterably painful occupation of nursing, and we may well be thankful that there are many such; but to take it up as the servants of a nursing institution for wages, and to call this a fitting end for all the yearnings after self-dependence of well-born, refined and gently-nurtured women, this is surely a ghastly irony! The question is not whether a certain number of daughters of clergymen {)r others left without resources may not be thankful to find so safe a refuge open; but is it a thing to exult over and offer as a boon? Mr. Burdett, being presumably a medical man, can hardly have been without hearing something of women's successful endeavours to -enter his own proiession; but that is arduous, uncertain, unfeminine and inconvenit!nt to many. Here, on the {)ther hand, there is no uncertainty, no difficulty, but that uf proving gentle birth, and the indelicacy that is so shocking when connected with scientific study, IS not to be spoken -of when only servile offices are in question, involving neither science nor profitable distinction, and ,standing in no man's path." • • •