Papers for tlte Times can be obtained, price sixpence, post free, from Mr. Walter Lewin, 15, 'Vhetstone Lane, Holt Hill, Birkenhead, or to order from any bookseller.

Tms, we are told, was the oracular question always asked by a certain oriental Cadi when informed of any accident, or called upon to judge !tny prisoner. On one ()ccasion when told that a mason had fallen from a high scaffolding and was taken up dead, he asked as usual '" ,\\Tho is she Y " He was asked the reason, "I know," he said, "that the man would never have lost his footing and fallen, if his head had not been busy about some woman. Women are at the root of all

vil " -e • The same conviction seems lately to have pressed

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stance of a vessel being lost when the master had his wife on board. If he were a shipowner he would not allow a master to have his wife on board.