Most times the cast is given one or two days off before starting technical rehearsals. In an Equity production contract, this can be their last day off for two weeks. According to an Equity agreement, the producer can work the cast for fourteen days straight without giving them a day off and without having to pay overtime. In addition, the producer can work the cast each day for ten hourstwo five-hour periods-providing they have a two-hour meal break in between. This makes the workday twelve hours long and gives rise to the expression “ten out of twelve.” As a third part to this work agreement, there is a twelve-hour turnaround clause-that is, whatever time the cast is dismissed at the end of one day, twelve hours of time off must pass before the cast can be called in for rehearsals on the next day. The SM must know each part of this rule by heart and schedule rehearsals accordingly, or the SM will cause the producer a great expense in overtime payments.