Chapter 10 in this client workbook corresponds to Session 8 of Emotion Regulation Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders. A strong social support network can play an important role in a person’s continued sobriety. In this chapter, the client’s current social support network is reviewed and ways to strengthen the network are identified. Barriers to social support are examined and the therapist and client develop a plan to make use of the client’s social network to support the client’s treatment goals. Next, the client engages in the second session of imaginal exposure to an unpleasant emotion that is associated with drinking. Prior to beginning the direct experiencing of emotion, the therapist elicits from the client any questions or concerns about the first session of imaginal exposure. The therapist reiterates the rationale for conducting direct experiencing of emotion and provides gentle encouragement for the client to stay engaged and make the most of the treatment experience. At the end of the session, between-session skill practice is assigned.