A limited company called the Leeds Girls' High School Company has been formed to establish in Leeds a high class day school, adapted to carry out the suggestions made in the report of the Schools' Inquiry Commission, and strong enaeavours will be made to provide in it, under well traioed teachers, and at a moderate cost, a sound, systematic, and libel'al education for girls between the ages of seven and nineteen. Within the last four vears similar schools have been opened with success ill various towns throughout the country. We learn from the prospectus that although ~he girls' high school at Leeds will be conducted on strictly business principles, and it may reasonably be hoped that there will in H short time be a moderate dividend, the company has not been formed with a view to making large profit~_ While the Grammar School has provided what is needed for the education of many of the boys of Leeds, the p,ovision for the education of their sisters has not beel!