A meeting of ladies was summoned to meet on September 14th at the house of Miss Kortright, 36, Kensington square, with a view of preparing the Memorial. The following ladies were elected an Bxecutive Committee: Miss F. E. Albert, Miss Ashurst Biggs, Mrs. S. ·C. Hall, Mrs. F. Cashel Hoey, Miss F. A. Kortright, Mrs. Anna Perrier, Mrs. Rawsthome, Miss Arabella Shore, Mrs. A. Sonnenschein, and .Miss S. Howard Taylor. Mr. Lewis Farley was chosen President of the Committee, and Miss F. E. Albert as Hon. Secretary, 18, Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, London, W.· The Memorial was 8h follows:-

To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. May it please your Majesty,

We, the undersigned women of Great Britain and Ireland, your Majesty's humble and dutiful subjects, having heard with horror and indignation of the atrocities committed and still continuing to be :perpetrated in Bulgaria and other provinces subject or tributary to 1'urkey, earnestly beg your Majesty to use your Royal prerogative in


Women's Memorial to Her Ma1esty [ElIlfllthyom&II" lteYlew. if • October 14, ... 178.