The Manchester Guardian, 1rlarch 31, gives the foUowing:-A Wife's Control over a Weddinfl Ring.-At the Sh.effield County Court, the Judge (Mr. T. Ellison) gave judgment in a case which involved the question of a. wife's control over a wedding ring. A married woman ..died at her motber's house, and shortly before her death gave her mother her wedding ring. The husband now claimed the value of it as a set off against a. claim brought against him for his wife's board and lodging.- In giving judgment His Honour said a. wedding ring came under a class of articles which the wife had separately and independently of her husband, and she had power to keep them, but she had no power to give them away. On the other hand, the husband had po\ver to give tliem away even during her life. In thiS case the wife had no power to give away her ring, and his judgment must be accol·dingly.