In his later writings, Heidegger focuses once more on the essence of interpretation and the hermeneutical relation that constitutes Dasein and its relation to the world. In these writings, language’s apophantic nature is opposed to modern technology’s and Enframing’s concealing propensity. In Heidegger’s most famous and enigmatic metaphor, the one that describes language as the house of being, this opposition is even more acute. In this chapter, we take a final look into Heidegger’s language, and language’s nature in general, via this very mystical and poetic metaphor, so as to fully sketch a concept of metaphoricity, which constitutes a conceptual and pragmatic nearing and a schematising process that refers to Heidegger’s originary/poetic image. Metaphoricity is understood as a generative exteriorised mechanism, instantiated in language and technology, and allowing the nearing of distinct domains, projections, crossings and emergences. Finally, the reconceptualisation of metaphor is supplemented with a redescription of the tool as metaphoric, nearing and schematic machine.