Big Data seems to have an ever-increasing impact on our daily lives. Its application

to human vision has been no less impactful. In particular, Big Data methods

have been applied to both content and data analysis, enabling a new, more

fine-grained understanding of how the brain encodes information about the

visual environment. With respect to content, the most significant advance has

been the use of large-scale, hierarchical models-typically “convolutional neural

networks” or “deep networks”—to explicate how high-level visual tasks such

as object categorization can be achieved based on learning across millions of

images. With respect to data analysis, complex patterns underlying visual behavior

can be identified in neural data using modern machine-learning methods or

“multi-variate pattern analysis.” In this chapter, we discuss the pros and cons

of these applications of Big Data, including limitations in how we can interpret

results. In the end, we conclude that Big Data methods hold great promise

for pursuing the challenges faced by both vision scientists and, more generally,

cognitive neuroscientists.