This chapter offers a sample syllabus and applied exercises designed to promote skill growth in course development including how to build a course, deliver the course, and create effective learning outcomes to assess student performance. Designing a course to meet course objectives and student learning outcomes takes practice and creativity as well as attention to best practices in counselor education. Professionalism and classroom etiquette requires student attentiveness and engagement. It is unprofessional to utilize computers, tablets and smartphones in class for purposes that are not directly related to the class topic and presentation. The Master's of Counseling Program is committed to student education, safety, and integrity of well-prepared counselors and therapists. As part of this commitment, all students in the Counseling Program are expected to engage in personal growth and self-discovery. Expectations about late assignments, participation, attendance, and incompletes may be based in university or department policies or may be up to the professor's discretion.