The records of plant material from archaeological sites in Poland are unequal with respect both to chronology and geography. This chapter reconstructs the nature of cereal cultivation, taking into account, the cultural differences, in the earliest Neolithic of southern Poland. The data used in the analysis are derived from a relational database that includes all published archaeobotanical information from Poland. The plant materials from settlements at Donosy, Krakw-Pradnik Czerwony and Gwodziec were only partly described, because botanical and archeological work is still in progress. Barley remains have often been described from the Neolithic settlements in Poland but only rarely have they been found in large quantities. On the basis of the archaeobotanical data it may be suggested that the other cultivated plants played a small role in the early Neolithic of southern Poland. There is evidence for flax cultivation as early as the Linear Pottery culture, and lentil cultivation in the Funnel Beaker culture.