There are several constructive and supportive (rather than coercive and punitive) techniques for keeping the students prepared. One of the most popular is the admission ticket. This technique has several implementations, and most instructors develop their own nuances. At its base, the technique requires that a student must accomplish some writing task that in turn cannot be accomplished without the student being prepared. In order to sit in the class, the student must present the writing. The admission ticket works best if it is required for every class and students get in the habit of writing them. It is also important that there be a stated attendance policy, which should permit a certain percentage of absences-say, 10 percent of the class meetings. Any absences with or without good excuses beyond that limit would then result in an automatic failure of the course. By establishing a strict attendance rule up front, you give the admission ticket its teeth. The tickets are collected at the beginning of class. Consider students absent if they have not turned in a card.