Surgery corrects structural deformity of a hammer toe that had lead to painful lesions, difficulties with footwear and walking; the joints are realigned with fine stainless steel, and she regains the mobility that had almost disappeared. A foldable acrylic intraocular lens is inserted through the incision, and once in the lens capsular bag, it opens out to full size. Hip replacement is less common than cataract surgery globally because of the lower prevalence of osteoarthritis, the primary reason for the surgery, and because of varied access to surgery. Locality and strongly predict who has surgery and when they have it, as well as the quality of the prostheses. The predominant reasons for surgical augmentation and replacement in Australia and other industrialized countries highlight that most modern cyborgs are elderly. Culture and biology interlace, and it is difficult to imagine a body preexistent of culture or independent of its social moorings.