The scholars who have been at the forefront of their inter disciplines to engage in a critical discussion over the past, present and future of qualitative inquiry. Qualitative inquiry is being pulled in multiple directions at once: pushing the boundaries of both traditional social science and interpretive research; engaging in struggle against oppressive institutional and political machinations; balancing the need for deep theoretical engagement with a praxical approach to the research act; and striving to engage with the landscape on which qualitative inquiry currently sits. Critical qualitative inquiry will be at the forefront of our work. Auto ethnography and performance ethnography will continue to develop and enrich our understanding of the human condition. Present themes such as trans-disciplinarity inclusive research, development of a HCQI Latin-American identity, the enhancement of what has already started, decolonization, democratization, equity, social justice, suffering, mutual aid and communality are likely to develop as means for resistance.