By relying on accessible media, participatory digital research invites participants to analyze images as part of a visual elicitation strategy. Participatory action research (PAR) strategies more generally encourage self-reflexivity, with team discussions of the research process simultaneously generating analytic frames, new data, and action plans. This chapter identifies and analyzes the varied types of data collected in participatory visual research. It demonstrates the examples, exciting things can happen when researchers integrate participants in data analysis and the creation of research products. In Krista Harper and colleagues' PAR investigation of an urban school food system, analyzing transcribed discussions allowed the youth to see what they had learned about policy over the course of a long-term project. Sharing control of how a group is represented in text and images, as was the case in Luke Eric Lassiter and colleagues' Other Side of Middletown project, can also help begin to repair community members' negative past experiences with and distrust of academic researchers.