The inscribed arrowhead in the collections of the British Museum (BM.136753), which forms the subject of this paper, adds one more to a considerable number already known. The first example of this type to be noted was published in 1926 (Guigues, 1926; and Ronzevalle, 1926), and since that time thirteen others have been made available for study. Dr Pierre Bordreuil has recently given a convenient summary of these examples with bibliography (Bordreuil, 1982), assigning Roman numerals to each, in the order of their publication, and reporting five more, as yet unpublished, known to him. At the risk of gratuitous repetition of what has been set out already by him and others, I list the examples here once more, together with the various names by which they have been referred to in previous discussions (see also Fig. 3). For ease of reference I use Arabic rather than Roman numerals, and, having, for my own convenience, noted the references to the most useful illustrations, and to the principal discussions, I include these together with other details, when known, according to the following pattern: https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table">




Museum Number


Length (Blade Length)



Arrowheads in chronological sequence, left from top to bottom, then right from top to bottom https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315423050/4d866e7b-a784-431e-9644-59266b690d45/content/fig12_3_B.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>

Ruweiseh, Ruw Louvre

Ruweiseh, Lebanon A.O. 18849

ḥṣ ’d’ / bn ‘ky 8.5 (5.5) cm

Guigues, 1926: 325–328

Ronzevalle, 1926: 329–358, pl. III

Donner and Rollig, 1966–69: no. 20, pl. I

Naveh, 1982: 40

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6

Bordreuil, 187 and n. 1

El-Khadr I, EK1 Palestine Archaeological Museum

El-Khadr, Palestine 34.2793

ḥṣ ‘bdlb’t 10.5 (7.7) cm

Milik and Cross, 1954: 5–15, fig. 1, left

Cross and Milik, 1956: 21, 22, fig. 2, J.I.I Palaeographic Chart https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315423050/4d866e7b-a784-431e-9644-59266b690d45/content/fig12_2_B.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>

Donner and Rollig, 1966–69: no. 21, pl. I

Hestrin, 1973: no. 7

Naveh, 1982: 37, fig. 32.1

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 2

El-Khadr II, EK2 Private Collection

El-Khadr, Palestine

ḥṣ ‘bdlbt 9.3 (6.6) cm

Milik and Cross, 1954: 5–15, fig. 1, centre

Cross and Milik, 1956: 22, fig. 2, J. 1.2

Donner and Rollig, 1966–69: no. 21

Naveh, 1982: 37, fig. 32.II

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 2

El-Khadr III, EK3 Amman Museum

El-Khadr, Palestine J.5137

ḥṣ ‘bdlb’t 9.2 (6.7) cm

Milik and Cross, 1954: 5–15, fig. 1, right

Cross and Milik, 1956: 22, fig. 2, J. 1.3

Donner and Rollig, 1966–69: no. 21

Naveh: 1982: 37, fig. 32. III

Gibson: 1982: 5, 6

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 2

Beq ‘ah, Zakarba‘l, BM2 Beyrouth Museum

Beqa’, Lebanon 6.6 (3.4) cm

ḥṣ zkrb / bn bn‘n 9.03 g

Milik, 1956: 3–6, fig. (ḥṣ zkr (b) / bn bn ‘n)

Grelot, 1957: 273–279

Yeivin, 1959: 585–589 (ḥṣ zkrb[‘1] / bn bn ‘n[t])

Milik, 1961: 105–106, no. 2, figs. 1.2; 2.2, pl. I.2 pl. I.2 (ḥṣ zkr {b} / bn bn‘n)

Cross, 1967: 19* and n. 7 2 (ḥṣ zkrb[‘1] / bn bn ‘n[t])

Donner and Rollig, 1966–69: no. 22, pl. I (ḥṣ zkr {b} bn bn ‘n)

Naveh, 1982: 39–40, fig. 34 (ḥṣ zkrb[‘1] / bn bn ‘n /[t])

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6 (ḥṣ zkrb[‘1] / bn bn ‘n[t])

Starcky, 1982: 184

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 3

BM. 1 Beyrouth Museum


Milik, 1961: 103–105, no. 1, fig. 1.1 (ḥṣ)

Cross, 1967: 19*-20* (UMUŠ.GAL)

Gerba ‘l, BM3 Beyrouth Museum

Provenance unknown 5137

ḥṣ grh‘1 / ṣdny 7.8 (5.0) cm

11.66 g

Milik, 1961: 106–107, no. 3, figs. 1.3; 2.3, pl. I.3

Cross, 1967: 19*, fig. 3, middle Map showing find-spots of arrowheads referred to in the article. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315423050/4d866e7b-a784-431e-9644-59266b690d45/content/fig12_4_B.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>

Naveh, 1982: 39, fig. 33, upper

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6, fig. 1

Starcky, 1982: 184

Bordreuil, 1982: 189, and n. 4

Azarba‘1, BM4 Beyrouth Museum

Purchased in Damascus 677

ḥṣ zrb‘1 / bn. ’dnb‘1 11.4 (8.5) cm

16.79 g:

Milik, 1961: 107, figs. 1.4; 2.4, pl. I.3

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6, fig. 3

Starcky, 1982: 184 (giving length as ‘104 mm’)

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 4

Rapa’, BM5 Beyrouth Museum

Provenance unknown

ḥṣ rp’ / bn yḥš over ḥṣ b‘n(?)/(?) (palimpsest) 11.1 cm

12.89 g

Martin, 19 62: 175–193, figs. 1, 2, pl. I (ḥṣ kl’ / bn yḥš over ḥṣ bn ‘n / bn yḏrb’1)

Cross, İ967: 20* and n. 84, fig. 3, bottom

(ḥṣ rp’ / bn yḥš over ḥṣ b’n(?)/(?))

Naveh, 1982: 39, fig. 33, bottom

Gibson, 1982: 5, 6, fig. 2

Starcky, 1982: 184

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 5

Private Collection

ḥṣ yt’ / bn zm’ ? (7.4) cm

UNESCO, 1980: 31

Bordreuil, 1982:. 189 and n. 6

El-Khadr IV Private Collection

El-Khadr, Palestine

ḥṣ ‘bdl’t 9.4 (6.6) cm

Cross, 1980: 4–6, figs. 3, 4 (ḥṣ ‘bdl>b>’t)

Naveh, 1982: 37, fig. 32.IV

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 7

El-Khadr V Private Collection

El-Khadr, Palestine

‘bdlt’t / bn‘nt 9.5 (6.2) cm

Cross, 1980: 6–7: figs. 5, 6, 7

Naveh, 1982: 39, fig. 32.V

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 7

Beyrouth Museum

Provenance unknown

ḥṣ zkrb‘1 / mlk. ’mr 11.3 (7.7) cm

Starcky, 1982: 179–186: figs. 1, 2, 3

Private Collection

Provenance unknown

ḥṣ ‘bdny / ’š ‘zb‘1 6.6 (4.9) cm

Bordreuil, 1982: 187–190, fig. 1

Beyrouth Museum

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 8

Beyrouth Museum

Bordreuil, 1982: 189 and n. 8

Private Collection

Bordreuil, 1982: 189

Private Collection

Bordreuil, 1982: 189

Private Collection

Bordreuil, 1982: 189

British Museum

Provenance unknown 136753

ḥṣ ’d‘ / bn b‘l’ 9.1 (6.5) cm

13.6 g