All military schools have a military staff wholly, or in part, separate from the faculty, in charge of inculcating military-style discipline in every cadet. Punctuality, the teaching of what are often called common courtesies, respect for superiors, elders, and each other, appropriate obedience, as aspects of military school life are chiefly the responsibility of the military staff, aided by cadet officers. At most schools, especially the larger ones, there are two separate military staffs. One is attached to the commandant’s department and is composed of the TAC officers, each normally in charge of one company. The others are retired officers from the U.S. Army (or other service branch, depending on the orientation of the school) employed at schools by the ROTC, or in the case of high schools, the JROTC. This program is administrated through the U.S. Army ROTC Cadet Command headquartered at Fort Monroe, Virginia, which pays the salaries of these officers. The JROTC program is not restricted to military schools.