ANIMALS INCLUDED It is best to start with just a few species and, fortunately, the bulk of the most common large mammal remains on Eurasian and North American sites can be fitted into a compact group. This includes the most widely ranging domestic animals, together with their wild relatives and ancestors, and the wild deer which are found throughout Europe, northern Asia and North America. Domestic animals are a taxonomic minefield, and an arbitrary decision has been taken to follow Corbet & Hill (1986) here: • Horse Equusferus Boddaert, 1785 - wild and domestic forms. • Cattle Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 - wild and domestic forms (domestic cattle are often differentiated by other authors as Bos taurus). • Bison, American Buffalo or Wisent Bison bison Linnaeus, 1758 - both American and European forms are here included in one species, but other authors often refer to European bison as Bison bonasus, reserving the term Bison bison for the American Buffalo.