In 1972, a frost occurred in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the university sent Simon Passingan there to investigate the impact of the frost on the environment and livelihood of the communities. While a student at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Simon Passingan heard about research that the National Research Institute (NRI) was doing on the UPNG campus. Currently, he coordinates with researchers who do socioeconomic impact studies (SIS) for AusAID, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. These organizations have funded roads and other programs and projects in PNG. PNG was also colonized by the Germans, the British, and the Japanese. As a not-for-profit organization (NFPO), Simon Passingan was really against World Bank and IMF loans to PNG because they enslaved the country and poor people are forced to repay these loans. Research in PNG has been institutionalized.