Megaliths are massive stones that mark a human presence on the landscape. Some are individual rocks propped up for greater visibility. Others are piles or stacks of large stones. Some megaliths are purposely arranged in series, circles, and alignments. Many have been carved into specific shapes, bored through, or adorned with images. Stonehenge II is the proper name for a monumental re-creation of the famous megalithic circle of England's Salisbury Plain flanked two Easter Island Heads on the southern edge of the Texas Hill Country. Stonehenge II is inauthentic archaeology. It contains no authentic prehistoric artifacts. It is not even an especially accurate re-creation of megalithic sites or archaeological landscapes. Philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty grounds phenomenology in the human body. The body is seen as a physical thing that operates within a wider world and is a condition of how the author's experience that wider world.