The move toward evocative inquiry is part of a larger shift in contemporary qualitative research toward creating research that moves people. Contemporary qualitative research has, according to Denzin and Lincoln, transitioned through seven periods to arrive at today's "eighth moment". Evocative inquiry, otherwise known as "experimental ethnography", "creative analytic practice", "arts-based inquiry", and "the new ethnography" among others, appears in many different forms, including fiction, nonfiction, short stories, poetry, drama, photography, drawing, plays, dance, visual arts. Researchers in this tradition aim to produce research that joins "ethics, aesthetics, political praxis, and epistemology", while calling into question issues of subjectivity, authority, authorship, reflexivity, and the academic research and writing process. Autoethnography is part of the autobiographical genre of writing and researching. Perhaps the most widely used form of evocative inquiry; David Hayano coined the term autoethnography to refer to ethnographic work done on one's "own people".