The Brainchild is the despoiled Mistress' pure sister, unstained by the curse of emotional embodiment. The Brainchild is related to Galatea, for it is a Pygmalion-like man who materializes her. The Brainchild's prototype is the Greek goddess Athena. As Zeus' daughter, not his lover, Athena was dedicated to chastity and celibacy, even though various gods, such as Hephaestus, tried to trick her into intercourse or marriage. Athena-type women gravitate toward authoritative men. The Brainchild is somewhat similar to what Maureen Murdoch calls the "daughter of the father". The author wander unaware into a place of mystery that could have spelled liberation from this Terrible Father. The Brainchild needs this more loving animus in order to soften her hard edges, to quiet the Critical Fathers, and assure her she is OK as is. Joan quit her masters' program before finishing because her advisor wanted her to be his cerebral surrogate, as well as his sexual conquest.