This chapter focuses on the analysis and characterization of a relatively large sample of sherds, dated to the Early Bronze Age period and coming from the sites of Ebla and Tell Tuqan. The analysis has been conducted on selected materials belonging to different wares and vessel shapes. EBA pottery assemblages from Ebla and Tell Tuqan come, respectively, from Royal Palace G and from the deep stratigraphic sounding of Area P South. The comparison between these two assemblages aimed, through archaeometric studies, at identifying the differences and/or similarities in manufacturing techniques. The original clays, used to produce the wares from both Ebla and Tell Tuqan, were characteristic of the area and some specific minerals may be useful to identify the original clay source in future studies. In all samples quartz, as well as the hematite, is present, while the albite can be observed in two samples from Tell Tuqan.