Tucker buys a copy of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and locks himself away in his office to study it. Sitting at his desk, Tucker begin to type furiously in a stream-of-consciousness fashion: Kuhn is challenging the fundamental premise of progress in science the building-block model of science. The cases Kuhn discusses show that there is no methodological algorithm that can settle theoretical clashes. They understand the work of our discipline in the vernacular of the paradigm that governs it. Scratching his head and picking at threads of his beard, Tucker begins pacing back and forth in his office, talking to himself: Kuhn's argument is both disturbing and exhilarating. He talked the talk canonical correlations, multiple regression, structural equations, multivariate analysis of variance and danced around the front of the lecture hall with a spring to his step while the audience gave blank stares on affirming faces, content to fake interest and appreciation.