So what makes this bike rider a more or less successful little acting-and-researching living system?

Well. Let’s see. Our bike rider is more or less: Constantly closely observing complex aspects of self in relation to a complex environment Constantly making sense of and responding to what is observed in multiple simultaneous and interacting ways-slowing down when there is uncertainty, speeding up when it’s familiar and predictable and the same course of action seems to be working Experimenting with new tricks just for the joy and novelty of it when all seems to be going well! Keeping a grip on reality and everything staying connected and purposeful Enjoying the satisfaction of numerous small achievements, the pleasure of successful skill and anticipated environments, celebrating desired destinations reached, and unexpected happenings yielding unexpected benefits and surprises. Challenges met. Obstacles overcome. Mourning those that couldn’t be. Learning from the experience. Repeating what works. Searching for the new where it’s not…then interpreting, evaluating, analysing and forming conclusions about new valued states to add to or revise the old ones Continuing to stay in balance Continuing to keep moving forward. Staying balanced by keeping moving forward Keeping moving forward by staying balanced. Looking every now and then to audit progress against intentions, plans and expectations Pausing every now and then to take in inputs of fuel and resources (and deposit outputs :-) Energies expended, outputs and outcomes identifiable Bike and rider and environment in subtle communication: each subtly constructing and being constructed by the other In more or less productive micro-sequences of doing and being.