But how do we keep these processes of lifeforming self-organising inquiry continuing both in our own lives and in our lives together? How do we use inquiry to keep moving forward, checking all the while where we have come from, what the current situation holds, and looking forward to an emerging future, and at the same time staying sufficiently balanced, with parts coherent and connected enough with all other parts? Not going ahead too quickly, nor waiting too long. Or going so fast as to hit a wall. Nor getting too stuck. Not missing seeing things going wrong. Detecting them early. Not letting errors or ‘perturbations’ build up until there is too great turbulence in the system. Not all being exact replicas5

so that there are no differences to spark new possibilities. Nor being dangerously or painfully divided without connection. Not prematurely decaying or falling apart. Not too rigidified. Not too all over the place. Not hopelessly buffeted or becalmed. Not helplessly alone or adrift. How do we get organised when we need to, can or should; and ‘sit with’ not being so when we aren’t, can’t or shouldn’t? How do we keep moving full cycle to wholeness?