Feminism is a rowdy assemblage of ideas whose goal is to understand and advance the lives of women. The much bumper stickered "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people" captures the idea that we can't separate the movement's intellectual content from its goal of social change. Non-political feminism is an oxymoron. Compared with the focused, practical goals of earlier eras, third wave feminism is a diverse, rather academic and theory-heavy movement whose practitioners may take a variety of approaches, from postcolonialism to queer theory. Dakota society has been described as dominated by hunting, a male activity. Yet it was women who sowed, tended, and harvested the corn that was the focus of Little Rapids. Dakota women believed it positively inappropriate for their men to help with these tasks, so strict were the group's gender divisions. Feminist archaeology recognizes that gender relations is and always has been one of the main organizing principals of human society.