Sikorski discussed the federation issue with Eden as his main topic even though there were seemingly more pressing matters. In early 1942, a group of eight states were rounded up. Whether this was at the Poles initiative or not is unknown but circumstantial evidence suggests that it was, to sign a common declaration. At the same time Retinger was happily speaking of another federation, involving Poland, Lithuania, and part of Latvia, which would constitute "East Central European Federation". The Russians rejected the whole idea as with out significance and made it clear that they would be the decisive voice in Eastern Europe and all common declarations were so much nonsense. Whilst dealing with the Czechs and the federative plans in general, Retinger orchestrated a series of meeting between the Polish exile government and British Jews. This was a particularly sensitive topic because Polish-Jewishrelations, had become severely strained in the last years of the sanajcaregime, and anti-Semitism had been growing alarmingly.