Freud’s conception of the Oedipus complex was a shocking psychoanalytic discovery because it was a condensation of all the fragmentary and disconnected repressed material at that time. It comprised the sexual in its most unacceptable form, which was incestuous. It also stipulated that the intrapsychical is structured around the dynamics of the forbidden and asocial. It depicted the child, who was considered till then just an innocent and ignorant entity as a ‘being’ who could be very much different in his intentions and desires from the moral person he was believed to be. Most of all, the Oedipus challenged all the moral convictions that humanity took centuries to build and instil in people.1 The Oedipus shocked the world because it was a good conception to explain most of the previous discoveries and open the eyes to new unexpected ones. It was considered in the first few decades in the history of psychoanalysis as a conclusive psychoanalytic statement. The Oedipus stood out in the psychoanalytic literature as a yardstick to measure the deviation from the essence of psychoanalytic insights.