This chapter explores transformative learning from all angles and establishes its significance within the WisCom framework. Transformative learning begins with knowledge sharing. In WisCom, this means learning through interactions in a wisdom community. It defines transformative learning and differentiates it from other kinds of learning. Wisdom and transformative learning align closely. An individual becomes wise after experiencing enough changes in perspective, and wise individuals tend to go through more regular shifts in how they see the world. In the context of the WisCom framework, transformative learning differs from other kinds of learning in several important ways. The chapter identifies five ways transformative learning deviates from other learning outcomes. It explores Transformative Learning Theory. The chapter describes the phases of transformative learning and strategies to support learners at each step along the way. It explores the five phases—knowledge, understanding, participation, discomfort, and transformation—build primarily on the work of Ryman, Burrell, Hardham, Richardson, and Ross.