Social cognition enables us to understand and socially interact with other humans. One important aspect of understanding other people is the ability to comprehend what causes them to behave in the way that they do. The Eyes Test is designed to enable participants to put themselves into the mind of the person so that their mental state can be predicted. The perspective-taking approach linking with an emotional-cognitive theory of mind was developed by American-born Robert Selman in his 'Developmental Stage Theory of Perspective-Taking'. Caregivers who are good at verbalising feelings and their causality have been labelled as showing maternal mind-mindedness. Lamm and Majdandzic have raised some concerns over the findings from neuroscience about the relationship between mirror neurons and empathy. Autism spectrum disorder was first identified by Austrian-American psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943, the diagnostic criteria of which was refined by later researchers. Autism spectrum disorder is considered to be a developmental disorder arising from neurological or brain deficits.