Kerala Migration Survey (KMS) 2014 is the sixth in the series of studies on international and internal migration from Kerala undertaken by the Centre for Development Studies as an ongoing project since 1998. It gathers the fruit of nearly two decades of work done at the Centre for Development Studies and poses a collection of chapters on various migration dynamics, from demographic, economic and socio-political perspectives. Just like the earlier rounds of surveys, KMS 2014 is also based on primary data collected from 15,000 households selected at random by a stratified multistage random sampling technique covering all the 63 taluks in the state. The 15,000 sample households in KMS 2014 included 5,000 panel households which were surveyed in earlier surveys, thereby generating a longitudinal panel database on migration and remittances. Furthermore, the panel allows analysing the medium-run and long-run consequences of phenomena such as the global financial crisis in 2009.