Dr. James Clegg, in his Diary, tells how on Frankland's death, October 1, 1698, he was sent to Manchester to ask John Chorlton, an old student of the Academy, to come over and preach the funeral sermon. "In that journey," he says, "I was in great danger by the rivers which were raised by the heavy rains." Chorlton, born at Salford, r 666, was entered a student at Natland when he was sixteen, and five years later became colleague to the venerable Henry Newcome1 in Manchester, and thus saw the building of Cross Street Chapel, opened in 1694. He preached Frankland's funeral sermon, but declined the further request, that he would remain at Rathmel and carry on the Academy. Other attempts to secure a successor to Frankland also failed, but Charlton's refusal was not absolute. He would not come to Rathmel, but the light so effectually kindled there he determined should not be extinguished, and the record is that he "set up teaching university learning in a great house in Manchester." Eleven of Frankland's students from Rathmel completed their course with him,2 James Clegg being one of these, who noted the great advantage to the students of being within reach of the Chetham Library.3