This chapter addresses the complexities and contradictions endemic throughout the community college system that lead to gaps in the process, it is feasible to focus on one under-examined area—the pedagogical approaches and practices of community college faculty. Community college professors may unwittingly alter their pedagogical approaches and practices to align with their perceptions of nontraditional students. The underlying rationale stemmed from the assumption that students' classroom experiences can be significantly enhanced when faculty learn about the everyday lived contexts of their students' lives and find ways to connect their students' realities with pedagogical practices. In this context, pedagogy extends beyond what faculty do in the classroom, becoming a practice that prioritizes how individuals experience life, how they learn, and how knowledge is produced. The faculty study groups, the hour-long sessions of dialogue on selected readings about funds of knowledge, proved to be instrumental in furthering the dialogue about the feasibility of a funds of knowledge pedagogy for community college teaching.