At an INSET day in 2016 students were lucky to have part of the “Learning Scientists” fly over from the USA and Scotland to teach us all about cognitive science, memory and how we can make things stick. The theory arose from studies conducted on group of “split brain” patients, starting in 1960s. Back then, last-resort treatment for epileptic seizures was to sever the corpus callosum – the thick bundle of fibres that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres – in patient’s brain. Brain Gym International explains that Brain Gym movements, exercises, or activities refer to the original 26 Brain Gym movements, sometimes abbreviated as the 26. These activities recall the movements naturally done during the years of life when learning to coordinate eyes, ears, hands, and whole body. However, as Hyatt points out, “Neurological repatterning has been described as fraudulent, cerebral dominance has not been linked to learning, and perceptual motor training has not withstood rigorous scientific investigation”.