Maurice Godelier, brings up the notion of the "twin metamorphosis" at work in all societies and deriving from a twofold movement. According to Bernard Juillerat, Freudian theory proposed to resituate the cultural products of the unconscious within the dialectic of the Œdipus complex, that is to say, within the dynamic of the ontogenetic elaboration of the subject. Didier Anzieu analysed Freud's intellectual itinerary with regard to mythology, starting with Greek mythology and ending with the Jewish "myth" of Moses, going by way of the myth of the primitive horde and primal parricide of Totem and Taboo. The innovative approach offered by Anzieu and group psychoanalysts is particularly valuable for a debate from the perspective of establishing fruitful links between socio-cultural and psychic realities, but also for the creation of intermediary zones between the two epistemic fields. Gananath Obeyesekere seems to favour the cultural structuration of family relations constituting the bases of multiple oedipal scenarios exhibiting "family resemblances" among themselves.