Group therapy can give caregivers and newly diagnosed individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia (ADRD) an opportunity for education, support, and to process feelings with others experiencing similar situations. The main objectives of these activities and handout for both the individual with ADRD and his or her caregiver are: to have a safe place with others who have a common bond and education about the diagnosis, community resources, training, strategies, and coping skills. Dementia is an impairment of two or more areas of brain function that include: memory, language, executive function, attention, visual spatial orientation, and movement. The symptoms are characterized by long- and short-term memory loss, and problems with cognitive functioning. ADRD is a rapidly growing health issue. The diagnosis of ADRD can produce a substantial upheaval for all family members. Offering additional specialized groups for the caregiver and individuals with ADRD will help meet the changing needs throughout the disease's progression.