This chapter uses Dynamic Pattern Synthesis (DPS) to explore the changing dynamic of the social and economic circumstances of European countries. The macro level focuses on the differences between the selected countries of Europe. Longitudinal data is compared for 10 countries over four waves of data collection, wave 1 in 2004, wave 2 in 2006, wave 4 in 2010 and wave 5 in 2013. The chosen cluster method is Ward's, using linkages measured by the squared Euclidean distance. The first case study explores the social care circumstances of older people in Europe and the extent to which there are different pattern relationships for key health and social care variables depending on the country under consideration. Consumer confidence improved initially after the establishment of the single currency, but then declined substantially. State control of regulation declined slowly and average long term interest rates are marginally reduced. The aggregate variable trend data suggested instability through the time period studied.