Of the Statutes CDn(lrning Bajl4raso every fuch baftard-child, by charging ruch mother or reputed father with the payment of money weekly, or other fuftenation for the relief of fuch cliild, in fuch wife as they fuall thin~ JDee~ and convenient~

The fatber sea. 2. If, after the fame ord~r by them fubfcribed :f~::':~d. under their hands, any of the faid perfons, viz. mother cbild ml, or reputed father, upoq notjce thereof, fuall not for their be tom. mitred for part obferve and perform the {aid order, tha~ then, every cli(obeying {uch party fo making default in not performing of the the juliicu' order: but {aid order, to be committed to ward to the common

:~:~~B gaol, there to remain without bailor main prize, exoept t!'e.ltern~. he, fue, or they, fuall put inJufficient lurety to perform !lYC:, to gIve h r 'd d' l r r 11 h fecurity, or t e ,alar er, or e Ie perlona y to appear at t e next ge-!h:';ra1 at neral {effions of the peace to be holden in that county

,Jlionl, 'where fuch order fuall be taken; and alfo, to abide fuch order as the {aid juftices of the peace, or more p~,rt of them, then and there fuall take in that behalf (if they then and, there ih,aU take any); and that if at the faid feffions the faid juftices 1hall take no oth~ order, thc::n to abide and perform the order before madei ,as is'afore .. !aid.