Jft, Appeals The right of appeal againfi poor's fates, and alfo againft. ,iYa;' again(\ overfeers' accounts, was originally given by 43 Eliz., JlOOf I ratci and OYer-which enaCls, "that if any perfon or perfons ihall find (cera' ae-themfelves gn' eved with any fefs, or tax, or other aCl, count'. ,i,en by done by the faid church-wardens, or other perfons, or by :? :lia. the faid jufiices of peace, then it ihall be lawful for

the juftices of peace, at their general quart~-feffions, or the greatefi number of them, to take fucb order therein as to them {hall be thought convenient; and the fame to conclude, and bind all the faid panies."