THE poor are to be fuftained by parifhes in the firft in • fiance; but they may fometimes be too numerous and bunhenfome for a particular parifh to fupport. The 43 Eliz. Co 2. feEt 3. provided therefore, that if the juftices p=rceived that the inhabitants of a pariili are unable to levy among themfelyes fufficient furns of money for the putpofes of the aa, the faid two juftic('s {hall tax, rate, and aiTefs as aforefaid, any othtr of other parifues, or out of any parifh, within the hundred where the faid parifh is, to pay fuch fum and fums of money to the churchwardens and overfeers of the faid poor pariili, for the faid purpofes as the faid juftices {ball think fit.